Friday, March 28, 2008

You Are HERE

They say getting there is half the fun, right? Well judging by the sleeping kid (and it's only 4:30 in the afternoon), I'd say getting here was half the WORK!

We drove to the airport, boarded the plane, flew to Baltimore, took a shuttle to the train station, then ran to catch the train to the metro station and then took the metro station to Union Station, which is walking distance from our hotel. You don't have to be a kid with a couple physical issues to be worn out. We had a late lunch then wandered into the hotel, and I suspect we will not be leaving again tonight.

DC is amazing. I'm not sure whether I like best the fact that one can travel from one place to another without ever getting into a car, or the fact that there is a Starbucks (or some other shop requiring a 'barista') on every corner and at least at one shop between each corner. This is absolutely the most caffeinated city I've ever visited.

We sat on a corner and people-watched as we at our sandwiches this afternoon, and made up stories about people we saw. Afterwards, we went across the street to the most extreme Macy's either of us have ever seen.

Our hotel is just a couple blocks east of the White House and just north of the National Mall.

Tomorrow, we will get up and walk to the Mall. I will resist the temptation to walk west a bit to get to the south lawn of the White House, which is where the protesters usually hang out all day, mostly because I've been doing enough fussing at governments lately-though not at the national level. Besides, we are very much on a different mission this weekend.

OH--I bought a card for the camera, but wouldn't you know it, the plastic packaging is everything-proof. But the picture above is a still frame from a short video I took while we were at the cafe. More (and better) visuals tomorrow!

Megan & Amanda

1 comment:

The Morgan 4 said...

It sounds like you 2 are having a blast. Thanks for the updates!!
Love Casey Morgan