Saturday, March 15, 2008


Well, in just a few weeks, we have just about met our entire goal for the upcoming walk. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone who has sponsored Amanda and supported our team. We've had folks jumping in who she didn't ask, folks contributing way above and beyond what we imagined, and just all-around amazing support in general. We even had a matching gift that made a huge difference as well.

There's still time to participate. We don't mind if we go over our goal! You may want to check if the company you work for has a matching gift program. Those programs may allow you to double your dollar's investment if you contribute to the Epilepsy Foundation in Amanda's name.

You know, when you watch the news or read the paper, or even listen to people in line with you at the grocery store, there are so many things in our world which are just broken. But it amazes me how small that is compared to the goodness of most people. Of course, we hear about the stuff that's not so good because that's what sells.

Yet in just a couple weeks, a little group of people will be sending a kid to Washington DC with a fistful of donations for a cause that matters--and really matters to her. It's so easy to get caught up in the stuff that sticks, the stuff that sells, but what draws us together is the need for light in darkness, for goodness that we can believe in. How cool is it that together we get to go do something real, something valuable, and to teach a kid about goodness and standing up for something that matters?

Thanks again for walking with us. More soon.


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