Snowy Greetings! It's February, and the snow came down harder today than any other day so far. The kids have been outside killing each other with snowballs and sledding.
Here's a picture, to 'warm' your heart.
Last weekend with the snow that was supposed to be huge (not so, but it was bigger than most of the other one), we went to the big hill in Spring Hill, where there's a nice park and a few Civil War memorials. If you don't know the history, TN was supposed to be 'neutral' in it's position on the Civil War, at least politically. The truth was, it's got a lot of historical 'closet' confederate-ism in it's history. Anyway, around town you'll see shrines and memorials to 'famous' battles-one being on top of the hugest hill in the vicinity. As soon as an inch of snow had accumulated, Bob took all the kids down to the hill, and up they went---to slide down the hill on the sled. The snow was too thin and the grass was too high to thin on anything other than the main path going up the hill, but they did pretty good anyway and had a few good runs before it all melted.
It's only going up to about 30 today, so we don't expect a lot of melt off today, and there's supposed to be more later. Maybe we'll even get ALL the ground covered!
Here's a few more wintry pics from the accessing:
(before I go get them to post, I just looked out the window and saw Amanda whack Heather with a snowball that was packed so hard it bounced off her head without breaking. That was weird.)
I hope wherever you are, you're staying warm. I'll try to do a better job at keeping up with the blog...It sure makes it easier when you're stuck in the house, though!
Blessings from the Hawkes family....
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