Tuesday, October 11, 2005
A little better....
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Bob's Surgery
Thanks for your prayers and well-wishes. Bubba's surgery went very well. He's home recovering. Sorry, no pictures of this particular event, though he looked pretty cute in the hospital gown. ;-)
Anyway, the doc said his hernia tear was small enough that he didn't have to use the mesh stuff that can cause complications, and so on. He was home by noon.
Just as a side note, they shaved part of his chest and his belly to do the surgery. I don't know why it's funny, but we all have been taking turns pulling up his t-shirt when he's sleeping and giggling about it. Yes, we're all pretty sick and twisted. Again, no pictures. But hey, ER is on tonight-maybe you'll get lucky!
Oh, speaking of pictures--I'm hoping to have a few minutes to post Meghan's homecoming pictures tomorrow. She looks absolutely stunning. FSU boys-look out! You'll all be studying Heartbreak 101 next year!
One last thing-to see past pages which have cute pictures, click on the links to the right! ----->
Saturday, October 01, 2005
"Hey Day," the ham festival (really), and other early autumn small town rituals
Anyway, the highlight of the evening was even better. As the sun and temperature dropped, Amanda entered a drawing for a home-made scarecrow. There were several being raffled. Many people entered multiple times, but Amanda only entered once. Heather then went on to participate in a cake walk (where she won her choice of homemade goodies) and we wandered around chatting with various people we recognized from school and church. It was amazing how many folks were there, and how many folks knew each other.
Just as we got home, the phone rang. Guess who won a scarecrow? So, greetings once again from the Hawksnst, autumn style.

Then today, we went to another festival. This one was called the "Ham Festival."
:-) It was actually a lot of fun.
A state senator showed up (one who isn't currently being indicted, I'm pretty sure), and awarded a ham certificate to the winner of the hog-calling contest, an 82 year old woman from Shelbyville, TN (an even smaller Smalltown). There were also contests for the best hams in Middle Tennessee.
Of course, there were a few booths with some crafts, and a great kid section where kids could climb and play in bounce houses, inflatable obstacle courses, giant slides, etc., hosted by the area churches, including our own. At the fair-food place, there was the usual roasted corn, funnel cakes and also some incredible barbeque. We all came home with heartburn, but it was worth it

Meghan's last highschool homecoming was last night; I hope she can send us some pictures so we can post them here. Right now for her, life is much about being consumed with college applications and some pretty heavy decisions. She's hoping for FSU, and has some pretty awesome grades, so I'd expect that first choice to be what happens for her. She's got an off-the-charts grade point average and is smarter than any kid should be. Watch this space for pictures! (No pressure, Meghan!)
There's alot to be said for Smalltown festivals. The ladies at the quilt booth were wondering if I'd stop by, our family doctor came over and said hi to Bob, the girls and me (and knew us all by name), and we had a day when memories were made. Wish we could have shared it with you in person but this is as close as we can get.
More soon...till then-be blessed!
Thursday, September 22, 2005
A few photos
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
News from the Hawkes' Nest
For those of you who are real 'newbies' to blogs, a 'blog' is slang for a 'web log'. The idea is to set up notes that everyone can read instead of needing to email individuals, hope they don't have problems downloading your pictures, send you into the trash by accident because you have too many addresses in the 'to' line, etc.
By the way, you'll see a place to post comments. Blogs are really more fun when lots of people post comments and everyone else can then read them. So post lots!
Anyway, I'm sitting in the sun room watching the last of the hummingbirds squabble over the feeders. We're down to about 4 or 5 now, vs. the 15 or so we'd have at one time before. Even while their numbers are dwindling, the other winter birds are starting to come back. I saw a V of Canadian geese coming in low yesterday, looking for their pond that they spend the winter in nearby. All signs, except the thermometer, point to fall. I imagine it won't be long, though, for the thermometer to start dipping, too.
You can't really see them in the above picture of our house, but below are a few pictures I took of some of the flowers in our front yard. I'm told that Mums are the flowers of summer's last gasp. If you click on them, they look pretty nice. When you walk out our front door, the colors just sort of smack you in the face, and I like that. :-)
Meanwhile, I'll see what I can do in terms of getting some family and more personal pictures on here, which really, is pretty much the main reason why people look at blogs anyway.
More soon,